Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Tom

The kids school hasn't held Halloween party since the year that Bryce started attending. Until this year, they usually had a fall party. Their fall party consisted of everything for a typical Halloween party but without costumes. This year, the school did away with the party all together and had a science day sponsored by the fourth grade classes. The fourth grade set up science "experiment" stations where they "supervised" and each student had to pay a dollar to be able to participate in the day. Bryce and Brady each paid their dollar to do these experiments and the second grade teachers held book character day for his class. I had less than a week to figure out a character for him that was simple enough to create with things we had here at the house. It had to be from a book that was a book before it was a movie and something his reading teacher would approve. While Brady talked about Dr. Seuss and other characters that he had read about, it dawned on me who he could be.
Tom Sawyer. At first it was a hard sell. Hubby and I took time to explain to him who Tom Sawyer was and about how he was a mischievous kid. How he wore plain shirts, cut off jeans or overalls and a straw hat and wanted to spend the day fishing. We even picked up a version of the book at Books a Million for the kids to read. Brady was sold at the word hat. If he could've gotten away with it, he would've went to school barefooted. I would've sent him in flip flops if he didn't have p.e. that day.

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