Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quirks Can Lead to Sleeplessness

Oh my gosh! I have so forgotten what it's like to co-sleep with an infant. I knew when Bryce was born that I had no desire to co-sleep with my children. I wanted him to be able to sleep in his own bed and I wanted to be able to sleep freely without worrying about if I was going to roll over on him or if he was going to crawl off the bed while I slept. So when I finally went to bed last night about 11, I couldn't sleep. And when I did sleep? It was a very light sleep and his every move woke me. Which was every time I turned around because he moved most of the night. And if it wasn't him waking me, it was Zeus. Or Belle. Or me. By the time he woke up this morning at 6am I had had two hours of interrupted sleep. He would've went back to sleep, too, if all three kids hadn't kept coming in to my room. Finally, when I decided I was going to get up with him (or let him get up with me) Brady came into the room and said something to him. And he smiled the biggest grin you've ever seen. I knew then it was a hopeless cause.

I got up and grabbed a shower before the kids got on the bus so that Belle could help me keep an eye on the baby while he ate his bottle in his swing (she was already dressed and ready to go). After they left, he let me dry my hair while he sat there in a daze. I knew then he was ready to go back to sleep. So we sat in the rocker and watched a little tv while I sang. He was out in no time and slept another two and half hours. I got another hour in, too. We got up and joined Belle for lunch, ran to pay my electric bill (because electricity is a good thing to have), and went to Wal-mart for dog food (dog's like to eat, too). Then we came home to play for a bit before taking another nap - him, not me. I love his giggle. It's so contagious. And he loves to laugh with/at me, especially when I laugh at him. Mom picked him up at almost 3pm, just in time for Brady to come off the bus. But this babysitting job had twists, too.

First of all, Brady is my baby. And he knows it which is not always a good thing. He usually isn't very jealous of my babysitting but last night was a different story. Last night, I put him to bed just before 8 and by 9pm, he had already been out of bed 6 different times for lousy reasons. I finally threatened to ground him for the rest of his life if he got out of bed again for him to finally go to sleep. Naturally, today he was grouchy. And whiny. And the world was against him. Good thing he didn't have basketball practice. I made sure that when 7:30 rolled around he was headed for bed. He got up once at 8, looking for Bryce and I haven't seen him since.

Also, Zeus is a very jealous kitty when it comes to his mom. When the kids come in from school, he comes to my lap. He stays near me after the baby goes home when my time watching him is over. Last night, he was sure to fuss because he wasn't in my room at bedtime. Then he fussed again because he wanted out of the room but not outside. The he fussed a third time to be let back into my room. Finally about 4 this morning he started to sharpen his claws on my hamper again. So I put him outside. Guess he figured he needed to compete for my undivided attention but he had to wake me to do it. After the baby went home, Zeus was in my lap every time I sat down! If he couldn't sit in my lap, he was on my desk just over my hand working my mouse. At one point, he even had his forepaws sitting on my mouse pad so I had to maneuver through him. Having little man here last night really set the jealousy streak off in him.

Oh and per Ladybird's question in the last comments, little man is 10 1/2 months old in case you missed it. One of my fears was that he would wake up and not make a sound before crawling off the side of my bed because he's scooting/crawling now. Now that is has taken me a good part of the evening to write coherently (I hope) I am going to bed and hope that I'm not too tired to fall asleep. If I'm really lucky, the kids will sleep, too.

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